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    Fan Ho (Chinese: 何藩; Jyutping: ho4faan4; 8 October 1931 – 19 June 2016) was a Chinese photographer, film director, and actor. From 1956, he won over 280 awards from international exhibitions and competitions worldwide for his photography

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  • Giuseppe Gradella has a profound belief in memories and dreams. Conscious that everything is layered over time, in the heart, in memory and that, sooner or later, it finds a way back to the light, to unveil itself, he thinks of photography as holding your breath, just under the surface, for as long as your breath lasts, then re-emerging to observe the world from a different perspective, one that is more aware. In order for memory to speak to him, he arms himself with a lot of patience and an excellent bait that allows him to fish even where life’s flow is perceptible only to the eye, like under a sheet of ice. Physical places and those that exist in memory, where life and dreams intertwine in a process of transfiguration and internal re-creation in which time is suspended. In Giuseppe Gradella’s photographs, which deal with fashion, architecture and fine art, there is a constant juxtaposition between what is actually in front of the camera and what he has retained from his experiences, in a continuous study that becomes introspective self-critique. As he himself is fond of saying, “For me, photography arrived like a storm after months of drought, and I am still very thirsty.” Giuseppe lives and works in Mantua (Italy).

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  • Alicja Brodowicz – born in Kraków, Poland. Graduate of the Faculty of English Literature at Universiteit Utrecht (the Netherlands). Translator by profession. Graduate of the Institute of Creative Photography at the Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic. Finalist and laureate of multiple photography competitions (e.g. IRIS Award (Australia), Photography Annual Awards (Czech Republic), International Photography Awards (2013, honourable mention), B&W Child Photo Competition, International Photography Awards (2015, honourable mention), 7th Julia Margaret Cameron competition for women photographers (2015), MIFA 2015, (honourable mention)). Publications in online and print magazines: SHOTS, GUP Magazine, Digital Camera Polska, Lens Culture.

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